This is an excellent slow cooker recipe... Mix ingredients and let cook. Delicious! Spiced with cumin and coriander and flavored with tomato paste, this...
I know everyone has a slow cooker chili recipe that they say is the best... Well here is another one that I am adding to the list. I believe this one carries...
This is a simple take on a classic cold soup that is as delicious to eat as it is to say: Vishi-swazz! It is dead easy to make as well. Just sauté potatoes...
When you're making a turkey, making stock with the bones is the logical next step. This recipe, from the Los Angeles chef Suzanne Goin, has the usual aromatics...
This hearty red lentil stew is the first recipe I made with my new healthy diet. It was a hit! This is gluten free, and if you remove the white potatoes...
Cajun gumbo is the tomato-free version of this legendary and completely customizable Louisiana stew. This recipe uses a classic combo of chicken and andouille...
Sour flavors are common in Polish cooking, as with the subtle tang of white borscht and red borscht and with the vinegary sauerkraut found in dishes like...
All gazpacho is good, but starting with the sweetest, most flavorful tomatoes you can find will make this one great. As you blend and strain the soup,...
Nothing revives and refreshes in a heat wave like this ice-cold schav, made with the exceptionally tart herb sorrel. The soup is seasoned at each stage:...
The authentic version of this Greek soup is a chicken soup with an egg and lemon enrichment stirred in at the end. But I don't hesitate to make it using...
This is one of the coziest dishes we have ever had-you're definitely gonna want to curl up with this one! Red lentils are simmered with a fragrant combination...
This is sort of a Spanish ratatouille, a vegetable stew that hails from La Mancha. Serve with with a fried egg on top and some crusty bread for a lovely...
A classic Italian soup, Pasta e Fagioli is a satisfying dish that will warm your body and your soul! Pasta, beans, pancetta and veggies are embraced by...
This creamy soup is filled with fluffy dumplings, tender chicken and an enticing aroma! It will taste like a simmering soup that has cooked all day, BUT...
Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee made with chicken and rice and seasoned with onion, garlic, ginger, and fish sauce and topped with crunchy fried...
A hearty bean and chicken stew flavored with chorizo and chipotle chilies. It takes a little time for the flavors to come together, but the process is...
This hearty Tuscan stew is loaded with tender vegetables and beans and thickened with bread. You can even simmer it down, then cook it into a savory vegetable...
This authentic Mexican Tortilla Soup recipe, adapted from Rick Bayless, is the best chicken tortilla soup that I've ever had. Bright and acidic with...
As a born-and-bred Boston kid, chowder holds a special place in my heart, and fish-based chowders doubly so, as a fish chowder was the very first dish...
This version of chicken paprikash takes a few extra steps to ensure the best possible flavor. Searing the chicken produces a more complex sauce while adding...
The pressure cooker makes short work of pea soup, cooking the dried peas in half the time it would traditionally take and doing all the work of the blender...
This quinoa and red lentil stew is healthy and hearty. Flavorful but not spicy... A great dish for the whole family. This stew tastes even better after...
Chilled Cantaloupe Soup is super easy and so refreshing! Serve it as a starter for an elegant lunch, light summer supper or as a healthful late afternoon...
This recipe is adapted from the one that a Louisiana firefighter named Jeremy Chauvin entered into a national cook-off run by Hormel Foods in 2017, and...
Rich, creamy, and filling, yet also delicate and mild, the sweetness of the pork complementing the faint bitterness of the clams, accented by bits of celery...
All potatoes originated in the Andes, and Colombia has quite a selection of them, the best being the small, yellow, creamy, buttery papas Criollas. They're...
This recipe will help you get as much as you can out of your lobsters. They're expensive, after all. Luckily, the shells come in handy and allow for at...
The ideal potluck dish is one that's easy to make in bulk, inexpensive, and holds up to extended heating and reheating. Frijoles charros is one superlative...
This is a classic seafood bisque that is made with shellfish, shellfish stock, onion, carrot, celery, lemon juice, and tomato; enriched with heavy cream;...